We are nearing Martinmas which is traditionally celebrated on November 11. At my preschool we always celebrate it a little early with a lantern walk by the lake just before Halloween. One of our parents said to me during the walk that he nevers feels quite ready to welcome winter until we celebrate this festival with our glowing lanterns. I loved hearing that. For me personally, it marks the beginning of the giving season. We share our spark (or light from our lanterns) as we enter these next months of thankfulness and giving.
This is the first year we used glass jars to make our lanterns. I had previously been a little timid about such young children carrying glass, but everyone did so beautifully. And the lanterns glowed so warmly as the children sang their lantern song as we walked by the lake. We were even blessed with the rising of a full moon.
We used tissue paper and glue to decorate recycled glass jars. The children strung a row of beads onto 18-gauge wire to use as a handle and I attached each handle to the lip of the jar using more wire. Each one was unique and all were so pretty.
My lantern, my lantern, shining near and far
Shining like a moon, shining like a sun shining like a silver star.