We celebrated Julen over the weekend
Big boy. How fast two years can fly by. Yet, it's incredible how much is learned in such a short period of time. He's a great little actor, this one. High on his list is to pretend he is snoring, runner-up is pretending he is mad...but it usually lasts less than a minute, he can't help himself and always ends up in a pile of giggles.
Peanut is home sick today so we've been hitting one project after another. We read through about twenty library books. This discovery in a Curious George book really shocked me.
Growing up in a house of smokers, this might not have had the same effect on me twenty years ago. But smoking is no longer a part of our culture, and it just looks so out of place. I don't think my boys have ever even seen anyone with a cigarette before.
We also started in on Valentine making today
Peanut stitched up two giraffes from a kit I found at the thrift store for a dollar.
The kit is from The Little Experience and while they don't carry the giraffe kit any longer, they sure have some other cute crafts for kids.
It comes with instructions on how to turn the box into a giraffe house...we haven't done that yet, but I love the recycle concept.
While Peanut stitched, I started on a little project myself. The colors are inspired by this weeks theme in the color+color2 flickr pool.
Any fellow stitchers out there may be interested in the Embroidered Button Swap at Feeling Stitchy.
And speaking of swaps. I sent out my Seven Days of Specialness swap package to Veronique of Little Elephants last week.
I love peeking through my swap partners Flickr favorites to get an idea of what they might like. That's where I found the inspiration for my packaging, from this photo she had favored.
We're getting a ton of snow right now and it just feels like baking weather. Regina's bread has inspired me, so I'm off to the kitchen. Happy Monday!